A wedding planner in UK made this Fig Street Weddings video.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
History of the Wedding Ring
" With This Ring I Thee Wed !"
Gold was made into rings to wear and use as currency back in history. Many gold rings signify wealth and prosperity. Gold wedding bands evolved from the golden rings made for currency in antiquity. Today the circle wedding band signifies eternity and a promise to be together forever. Gold or other metal signifies strength of the vows made. Some engrave the inside with name, initials, or dates. Tradition has it that, the wedding ring forms the last in a series of gifts, beginning with the engagement ring. This dates back to ancient times.
Gold and other precious metals were a sign of wealth and the giving of a gold ring to the bride signified the trust the groom has in his wife. It is said the "ring finger" has a vein that goes directly to the heat so the ring signals love to the one given. The wedding vows are the important part of the wedding ceremony but in modern times bride and groom exchange wedding bands as part of the ceremony. The double ring ceremony came into fashion after WWII.
Wedding Invitation Crafts
Zazzle has a wonderful web page with great wedding invitations, gifts, decorations, bridal shower, and wedding ideas at Zazzle Invitations. Wedding Ideas and Invitations, can be edited on the web. Add names, date, pictures. Create a special invitation, save the date, shower invite, or favors for you wedding.
You can design your save the date and invitation, then thank you notes all to match. Give it a theme and make your own. All done with a text editor on the web. Bulk prices apply. The more you order the less you pay. Order all at one time for cheap bulk pricing. Professionally printed, shipped direct to you. Save time and gas running all around for save the date notes, invitations, and wedding favors.
Click link here to get some ideas, Zazzle Invitations Wedding Ideas and Invitations, with web page text editor to add name and date. Here are some I made:
You can design your save the date and invitation, then thank you notes all to match. Give it a theme and make your own. All done with a text editor on the web. Bulk prices apply. The more you order the less you pay. Order all at one time for cheap bulk pricing. Professionally printed, shipped direct to you. Save time and gas running all around for save the date notes, invitations, and wedding favors.
Click link here to get some ideas, Zazzle Invitations Wedding Ideas and Invitations, with web page text editor to add name and date. Here are some I made:
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Budget Weddings: How to save money with a simple wedding
Save Money On Your Wedding
- Wedding Planners
- Rental Halls
- Bands and DJ's
- Caterers and Restaurants
- Dresses, Apparel, and Tux
- Wedding Officials
- Marriage License Information
- Wedding Invitations
- Wedding Photography
- Wedding Books and other Interesting Links
Save On Wedding Planners
Begin your planning with a notebook for that purpose and a list of what you need. There are many web pages with links to wedding services and product providers, use the web to set up your resources. Try to use the free service provided by most rental halls. Catering Directors of most wedding rental places usually have done many weddings and are great people to ask for advice. If you are using a facility the advice comes along free. No need to hire a separate wedding planner unless the wedding is large. If you use a wedding planner get several quotes on fees and a written agreement. Buy a Wedding Planning Book.Click here to visit Marriage Preparation Online , for an outline of how to plan a wedding. There are several free guides there about weddings and he also sells a book. The free guides are good information.
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Save On Rental Halls and Chapels
Some smaller churches and public chapels allow use for a nominal fee. Check with the Yellow Pages and call the pastor. American Legion and VFW Halls rent out to the public. Ask if the price is cheaper on an off day like a Monday or Tuesday. Some public places like parks and fountains do not charge a fee but require notice of use. A friends lovely home or back yard can be an intimate place to get married.
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Save On Music and DJ's
Buy a wedding music CD and have a friend play it in a boom box. Some amateur musicians and music students would play for free as practice, call a music school for information. Have a friend put together the music and be in charge of it at the wedding.
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Save Money On Caterers and Food
Have friends make and bring food items. The old covered dish wedding. For sweets buy Ms Debbie Cakes and place them on paper dollies and trays. Have a friend bake your wedding cake. Buy a sheet cake from a food store. Get frozen hors d'oeuvres. at a market or Sam's Club. Buy your flowers at the food store and arrange them yourself. Use disposable paper plates and plastic utensils. Serve grape juice instead of wine. Decorations can be made with candles and holders sold in those Dollar Stores. Some party supply stores sell wedding decorations, look for sales.
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Save Money On Dresses Apparel and Tux
Save on your wedding dress by shopping early and looking for sample sales. Call the dress shops in your area and ask when do they have sales, then go and shop during that time. Look on E-bay for wedding dresses. After the wedding consider donating your dress to Charity and take the gift off on income tax. Many religious charities have Thrift Stores that accept donations and give receipts for the donated dress. Seek out places that will rent a dress like men can rent a Tux. Borrow a friends dress.
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Wedding Officials
Contact the American Association of Wedding Officiants for help in locating the right wedding officiant for you. Click AAWO .
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Marriage License Information
The one necessary item that is not discounted but generally does not cost much.
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Save Money On Wedding Invitation
Use computer generated invitations using Print Shop or any computer based publisher. Have them reproduced at a quick printer. Use Post Cards instead of fancy invitation, can get 4 to a sheet and postage is less. See these invitations sold on Fig Street Art Studio. See what they have or ask to design one just for you.Back to Top
Save Money On Wedding Photography
Have a friend do the pictures. Ask guests to share their photos with you after the wedding. Have disposable cameras available and ask guests to take pictures and leave the camera for you to keep the pictures. See disposable wedding cameras on Beau Coup.Back to Top
This page is a service of Chaplain JK Schwehm former New Orleans area Justice of the Peace, and wedding officiant. Links may be out dated, e-mail him for information.
New Orleans Wedding Officiant, Dr. Jerry Kenneth Schwehm served as as Justice of the Peace in 1990 to 1994 in Slidell, La. and was ordained in 1989 as a Lay Minister after serving as Elder and Deacon in his church for many years. He has a BA and JD from Louisiana State University (1972) and an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from a local Bible Church in 1990. He has performed numerous wedding ceremonies and is available in the Greater New Orleans area to perform your personalized marriage ceremony. He will go to your location or at his office in Fig Street Studio. He may be contacted at jerryschwehm(at)yahoo.com.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Components of a Wedding Ceremony : Write Your Own Wedding Vows
Components of a Wedding Ceremony
Generally a wedding ceremony consists of several parts beginning with the Entrance of the Wedding Party usually to music then:1. Welcome or Introduction done by the Officiant.
2. Presentation of the Bride to the Groom by either the parents or special person.
3. Reading of a Poem or Bible verse by Officiant or special person.
4. Recitation of the Wedding Vows either traditional or words written by the couple.
5. Exchange of rings and/or giving of gifts to children of the couple.
6. Any special event like lighting candles, drinking wine, or other special ceremony addition.
7. Declaration of Marriage where the Officiant declares the couple married and closing remarks.
8. The First Kiss as a Married Couple.
9. Exit or recessional usually to music.
Simple Basic Wedding Ceremony
__(Groom)___________, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?
_ (Bride)____________, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
Take hands and repeat after me: I, __(Groom)___________, take you, __(Bride)___________, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.
I, ___(Bride)________, take you, _(Groom)__________, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.
Do you have a ring for the bride? Please place the ring on the bride's finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed.
Is there a ring for the groom? Please place the ring on the groom's finger and say: With this ring I thee wed.
Let these rings be given and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another.
In as much as _____________ and _____________ have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other, by the authority vested in me by the State of Louisiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. (You may now kiss .)
Jerry Kenneth Schwehm served as as Justice of the Peace in 1990 to 1994 in Slidell, La. and was ordained in 1989 as a Lay Minister after serving as Elder and Deacon in his church for many years. He has a BA and JD from Louisiana State University (1972) and an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from a local Bible Church in 1990. He has performed numerous wedding ceremonies and is available in the Greater New Orleans and South Mississippi area to perform your personalized marriage ceremony. He will go to your location or at his office in New Orleans. He may be contacted at the below e-mail.